Monday, June 22, 2015

Cookie's big day out. Yay!

Hallo. I am a Khajiit. The people who raised me called me Cookie. These hairless people, they never said how they found me. I know I am not from here. I am very different from them. First of all, their moustaches are very different from mine. Their fur only grows on certain smelly parts. And strangest of all, they like to sit on boxes, not in them, which is completely ridiculous if you take a moment to think about it.

One morning, this idiot that I share a camp with tried to scratch my belly. Again.

I cannot stay here any more.

Cookie the Khajiit will go make his own luck in the world. Maybe find many wares to sell.

I wanted to see if Mr. Inconsiderate here had worthy wares for a Khajiit to sell. He had nothing but the clothes he was wearing (which is already not much) so I went me way. 

Fresh hair hit my face. A shy wind makes my moustaches dance. I don't know where to go, he made me stay inside all the time. I decide to start walking anyway. He never asked where I was going.

It was not long before Cookie found people who wanted to scratch his belly. They were trying really hard, with hurtsticks and killbirds and pointy things, screaming at me, begging me to let them scratch my belly. I don't know why everyone wants to do that. 

Here is the first of these imbeciles. Laying on his belly, taking the long nap. He tried to cut off my head, figuring it would be easy to scratch my belly after that, probably. His hurtstick was bigger than mine but when I put mine right in his belly, to show him why I don't like it, he went down and didn't get up. 

His friend was sending his killbirds at me, so I lay low and put on the clothes of his sleepy friend. They looked much more harder to scratch. I finally got my own killbirds stick too, which I always wanted. People have less chance to scratch my belly when they go to sleep before they even know I have a belly to scratch. 

I ran up the path to a rocky platform where dumb #2 was having her debate, trying to convince me to just lay down on my back and let her do what she want with my belly. I ran up the stairs and put her friend's hurtstick right in her hairless face and she went to bed right away after that.

She and her friend (maybe lover, who knows with these heretics) had many wares for me to sell, and it made me happy. I just need to find a place where they both A-Don't want to scratch my belly and B-Want to buy my wares. 

I found a hole in the mountain near her sleepy place and I just HAD to check it out. It seemed so interesting. Maybe there were some boxes for me to go sit in, I really love when I get to do that and the other idiot would never let me sit in the boxes. "Get off my box", he'd say, showing me his huge smashstick, and so I got out.

Before going in the hole where there might be boxes and maybe fish, I took the time to take a selfie. Cookie likes selfies. The other idiot would never let me take selfies. He was jealous, methinks, because he did not have nice fur like Cookie. These people's clothes are strange, but they are a little bit harder to scratch and poke, so they will do for now.

Cookie went in the hole, and right away I was disappointed, because at first sight there were no boxes anywhere. A lot of sand however, which is good, I like sand, it has many uses and makes me think of my mama I never met.

It wasn't long before another inconsiderate fool tried to poke me with his killbirds. I showed him how to do it properly but I guess it was too much hard work for him, because he went straight to bed after a couple of tries. I didn't even get to ask him if he had any small animals I could play with. I didn't mind though, because he also had a little bit of wares for me to sell.

This skinny one tried to charm me first, wanting to scratch me behind the ears with her hurtstick but I've seen that trick before, when I would go looking for food with the other idiot. The people never wanted to share the food, only wanted to poke us and shout at us, and sometimes they'd try to scratch me behind the ears but I never let them. I'd show them why I don't like, by doing it to them, and then they'd either run away without apologizing or pretend to go to sleep so they wouldn't have to talk to us any more. We didn't mind, we just wanted to try their food in the first place.

After some time in the stupid cave where I only found one box - and I got bored of sitting in it after a very short time - I came out somewhere colder and a lot more rude people were there.

I took another selfie over the flying pillows because they look really nice to sit on and it was the first time I could see them from the top. Usually I only saw them from under and the other idiot would tell me to stop staring at someone called "Claudes" and try to make my nose look different with his smashstick. This time I was closer to them but it looked too far to jump. And anyway some strange individual decided to start shouting at the pillows, I don't know why, everyone knows the pillows can't talk back. He tried to give them killbirds but he kept poking me with them instead, which is pretty annoying, and so I showed him how to properly aim. These hoomans are not very good at learning however, or how just plain lazy, because after a short lesson he went to bed, right in the middle of the stairs.

His back is going to hurt tomorrow morning.

I took his wares so that I could sell them, I'm sure he won't mind. It should help him sleep better too.

They have a pretty nice house, I'll give them that. I went inside and found a box or two, sat in them for a while, thinking about the last few hours and how annoying everyone is. I thought it was only the other idiot who was special, but it seems everyone that I meet is kind of rude. Don't they know scratching a Khajiit's belly is inconsiderate?

When I came back down from the boxes a nice lady came to greet me. I thought she had a gift for me, hopefully something shiny, but no, nothing. She tried to warm me with her magic, which is nice since I was a little cold, but even when I tried to explain that my fur and her fire don't get along, she kept on insisting.

I tried to return the favour because she was barely wearing anything and it was pretty chilly. She seemed thankful and wanted to give me her travel-size pokestick. I tried to take it but every time I reached for it she took it back, which is funny the first 7 times but the 8th time it's just plain rude.

I think she got too hot after a little while, because she couldn't help herself but go to dreamland, so in the end I took the travel-size pokestick and some of her wares for me to sell while she slept in a very strange position right on top of a rock.

This first day on my own was quite annoying, but not as annoying as living with the other idiot and his slow, stupid smashstick. He can keep his box and use it wrong all he wants, I decided. I'm never going back. Except if I feel like it.

I used the excellent Alternate Start mod and Frostfall mod, which can both be found at Nexus Mods.

I played plenty of Skyrim back when it came out, on my PS3. Back then, there was a bug that would make your game crash if your file got too big (around level 30, even if you never let anything lay around on the floor) and so I had about 10 level-30 characters but never got to finish the game.

I decided to get it on Steam while it was on special and explore the world of mods to give myself a fresh experience.

I also decided to start this journal in order to force myself to practice writing.

Hope you enjoyed!