Tuesday, July 14, 2015

That day, after my studies and Not Me's binge drinking, we went exploring the mines, where everything was dusty and damp, so we didn't stay for a very long time. I don't know why these people wanted to keep this place a secret, there's hardly any boxes around.

 The exit of this cave was by a nice and quiet river. Not me totally ruined the ambiance however, with her drunken antics. Here you can see her pick a fight with an innocent bystander. Well, maybe not so innocent, but I don't speak Crabese and maybe she does. I was thinking of firing her at this point, but in retrospect maybe she defended the honour of my belly without me even asking for it.

She took a picture of him after she was doing re-arranging his face, so we could use it as a warning to other people who try to insult the honour of my belly.

A sweet majiik I picked up from that strange man in Whiterun was to make sleepy people awake again and like me. This rude individual was trying to clean my ears for me (no doubt to over-charge me for his services afterwards) but we put him to bed quite easily. I woke him up because I felt like talking to someone for a while but he didn't really have anything interesting to say.

During our nice walk we ran into strangers, who did not try to pet me, scratch my belly, clean my ears, or brush my fur, which was nice for a chance. What I didn't like however, is that when we said "Hi", they didn't even look at us. So me and Not Me agreed to teach them a lesson on manners.

The most resilient to our re-education was this hairy guy. He would not say a single word to either of us. Here is Not Me working hard for his benefit, but he was too stubborn to realise it.

Later that week after many inconveniences, we ended up in a place that gave me the hibijibies. We got a lot of bad weather but that gave me the chance to try out another majiik, this cloak that helps me fight the cold. It weights nothing, smells nothing, doesn't talk and looks cool, so overall, I would recommend it to other people who like to walk around looking at stuff quietly.

I guess more people should get that majiik because it makes your day so much better, especially when the sky water is going on. In this town for example, everyone was so uninteresting. Here is a woman I met, just sitting there, wet and miserable. She silently judged me with her eyes and the rest of her face. I didn't have it in me to explain that the sky water is not my fault and left her there to her strange hobby.

The next day after the sky water, we went for more walking (love walking!) and I ran into another hairy! I was so happy to see him, I started purring. I only had the time to catch his name however, because after a moment he ran away screaming. I turned around to see what scared him and was flabbergasted at the sight.

This over-grown toy charged at M'aiq from the woods. I'm not sure if she was bullying M'iaq and that's why he had to leave in a hurry, but when she saw us she trying to hug us with her many arms. Maybe it's a custom where she's from, but for me it's kind of rude. I tried to reason with her and show her my new majiik slicestick in exchange but she wouldn't have any of it. She tried so hard to hug me she exhausted herself and had to take a nap right there in the middle of the road.

Not Me and I finally made it to a town called Solitude, and after a few days of walking we were pretty happy about the idea of sitting in a box for a while. We took a selfie just for fun.

At the gates of Solitude I met more hairys! They were so nice to me, we exchanged wares and shinies and other stories. We mostly found the same people annoying. Maybe when I'm done walking around I can sit with them and listen for a while.

Solitude was very strange, a much bigger city than everything I have ever seen, and people were very rude, again. They would call me names and litter (see above picture) but at least everyone respected my personal space.

Very inconsiderate people. They totally messed up his haircut and never apologized. You can even see guilt in the manager's eyes, but he kept it locked inside, too proud to admit his staff made a mistake.

Beautiful city, very high and strong boxes, but people kept asking for my shinies. Don't they know how to play The game?

In a music box I would meet Not Me 2. He also mentioned how well he could help me avoid being annoyed by rude strangers and I hired him on the spot.

Then I met this strange person. Not a hairy, a scaly. I've never seen any scaly of his size before, let alone that could talk, so I was very interested in him, but he wouldn't let me look in his pockets to see what he was carrying, or touch his scales, or even admire his denture. All in all, pretty rude guy, but I appreciate that he can speak his mind without using his hands to hold my wrists like so many people try to do.

While looking around in one of these fancy boxes a lady asked me for some help. She said she'd give me some nice clothes (after insulting me for a while) if I could run an errand for her. I like keeping my shinies so I accepted, and I got to visit a really, really comfortable box.

While exploring the super nice box I got lost and I suddenly felt really sick, so I guess when people were telling me I didn't look good, it wasn't just because I am a hairy, I was really sick! I got strange urges after that, like nibbling people instead of mice, and the sun hurt a lot, so that was annoying.

At night I ran into another scaly who was much nicer. They kind of looked the same, but that new one was very much outgoing, maybe he was a little touched or had too much skooma? Either way, he offered me an interesting job, helping some people unload a ship before they even wake up. Sounds like a good prank! I told him I'd look into it.

Here's a perfect example of the abuse I had to suffer while in Solitude. As you can see, the sickness I contracted has really changed my looks. I'm all pale and my nibbleteeth are over-grown!

A quick midnight snack. I didn't know life-water could taste so good! Had to play the door game (they call it a lock) in order to pay these people a visit and when I got there they were already asleep, so I helped myself. They never woke up, so that means they didn't mind me.

Everyone in this place is strange. I stumbled upon this strange couple on their date night. The man was pretty angry at me and I apologized profusely, but he wouldn't listen to me, he was too busy shouting and trying to freeze me up, no doubt to teach me a lesson. Not Me and Not Me 2 were quite interested in learning his cold majiik but when they tried to learn it, that guy suddenly pretended to fall asleep like his date, probably to keep his secret. He was pretty selfish.

We took a pause in a lake to practice water-flying. The sick I got is pretty annoying but for some reason now I never feel cold anymore.

On a nice quiet walk we met this Bag of Stupid who decided to follow us around. My employees were not too pleased with that, but now people seem to want to pet him more than me and that gives me more time to show them my majiik and pokesticks, which I'm really proud of.

I keep running into these folks dressed in black robes. They're always hanging out with really skinny people, always rude, always trying to freeze me with their cold majiik so they can have a one-sided argument. This one sounded like it had a little bit of problems with their sinuses so I tried to clear them up for her. Here she is, recovering from the surgery.

Found another little town where everyone was miserable. But hey, if I looked like this, I'd be pretty grumpy myself.

Here are some folks being annoyed at each other. I guess it's not just against hairys, everyone is annoyed by anyone here, which is kind of nice for a change.

I met this fashionable lad in a cosy little box who saw that I was sick right away. Rather than remark rudely on my appearance, he said he could help me, and I was pretty happy to hear that.

Found an amusement park near the annoying village and we were all pretty excited about it, despite the bad weather.

The mascots in this park are very big, not so cute, and quite rude when it comes to asking for a hug. For once, I wanted to be hugged, but instead they tried to pet my face rather forcefully, which Bag of Stupid did not appreciate. He's so caring.

We made snow angels!

The fashionable lad was quite adept and healed me right like he said he would. My fur went back to its normal color, my nibbletooth also went back to normal. The sun doesn't hurt anymore, but I feel cold again. Not sure which one I preferred, being sick (he called it Vampeereezm) or being healthy, but at least now people have less excuses to insult me.

Shortly after, my Not Mes and I met these two ladies who were looking for sick people, mainly Vam py ers, but for the wrong reasons. They weren't interested in healing them, just downright argue with them and annoy them until they couldn't stand anymore, which I found insulting since I was sick like that just a day ago. I tried to tell them that Vam py ers are normal people too and it's not their fault they like to nibble people for their life-water, but they wouldn't listen.

I thought I'd teach them a rather humiliating lesson to make sure they remember, but right in the middle of my speech they started pouting. I was so flummoxed I upped the ante on the lesson: I undressed them and woke them up, which Not Me seemed to appreciate a little too much. I thought she liked to have fun with fleshsticks, but it seems she prefers the fluff caverns, like me.

All in all, a pretty annoying walk, but I met some interesting people, got a few shinies, new coins and new majiik, and I'm not sick anymore, so I can surely say it was memorable.

Friday, July 3, 2015

Cookie's day in and out of Whiterun

I've been walking around a lot and it has been quite nice, for the most part. Every day something annoying happens, but I guess that's just the life of a Khajiit for ya. Some people see me and they just can't help themselves, they have to touch my silky smooth fur.

No matter if I'm sleeping, cooking, sitting in a box or playing with feather-flies, some passionate barber always rushes at me without any hesitation, brandishing their shavestick, trying to get my fur. It's true that it can get pretty chilly outside, but if they're cold they should just sit down and grow some fur themselves instead of trying to take mine!

Then one day I met another hairy! I was so happy and quite ready to hug him, but this one was completely angry at me and actually tried to humiliate me by getting me naked. He tried to cut my clothes apart with his cutstick so that everyone would laugh at me but I stopped him in time and tried to get him naked, that way if we're two, maybe it'll become fashion and people will not laugh at us so much.

After a quick contest of who could get the other naked the fastest, I won, and being the sore loser that he was, started pouting and pretending to sleep. I tested his skills at sleep-pretending by pretending to take his wares and found this piece of paper:

I don't know who that "poor fool" is, but he's got the same name as me, so I guess I have to find him to give him that letter, it's the right thing to do.

I figured the not-hairys hang out near or inside their boxes (they call that how-sez for some reason), or on the roads, so I thought I'd go walk around in the fields and mountains to get a little bit of time for myself. After all, I've never had any arguments with myself, so I guess I'm pretty good company.

But no, annoyances are to be found under every stone. I was just minding my own business when this bag of stupid came running at me with his friends. I think he thought I was a mouth doctor (I guess I do look like a lot of smarts) because he kept showing me his teeth but it was way too far into my comfort zone.

I tried to scare it with some fire magiik but it got too close and its fur caught on fire! It rolled around on the ground, and I helped put out the flames with my shavestick, but the bag of stupid (I'll name him Roger) got absolutely exhausted and promptly fell asleep.

I'm sure it didn't mind that I took some of it's fur. It wasn't as silky smooth as mine, but a Khajiit needs wares to sell.

After some time walking in and out of dirty and boring places like this,

Full of bored people who couldn't contain themselves with happiness when they saw me, I finally made it to a place called Whiterun.

It looked so nice. At first I thought it was a giant box! And there would be other people like me! You know, hairys, collectors, sellers of wares!

Deceived again. It was full of other boxes yes, and that was pretty satisfying, but in each and every of these boxes lived some rude individual like her.

 I guess people there are pretty racist, because nobody would share anything with me, I had to keep playing their puzzles they put on the doors, in order for me to get in and see the toys they had.

I did find some people to buy my wares however. I was quite happy, there's almost nothing that gives me a feeling as good as when people give me shinies for wares. Also, I don't have to carry as much.

I quickly found someone who seemed as annoyed as me about the state of the world and the lack of boxes to lay in. She said she could help me put people to sleep quicker so that I could have more free time to relax under the sun. I hired her on the spot.

When we came out of that box I found her in, there was some commotion in the street. I was quite relieved that they were finally looking for someone else to hug and show their pokesticks to. Me and Not Me walked right into a hugging party. I decided not to participate since I've had enough hugs for a lifetime already, but Not Me ran right into the group like she knew everyone!

I don't know what she told them, I guess she was trying to be funny (almost fired her after that) but soon after she talked to them, the strange huggers came after me and hugged me so hard I got sick. I thought I'd return the favour as a matter of politeness, even showed him how to shave people's fur off their heads and face.

Shortly in the demonstration, the biggest of the idiots fell to the ground and started dreaming. I guess everyone has their hug limit. He did look quite peaceful though. But now, everyone tells me I look sick. I'm just hairier than them, they should be more open-minded.

Shortly after I found a guard that wanted to play a game with me. I love that game, it's one of my favourites! Basically, everyone in the world are playing that game all the time, but some people play it better than others. Since I didn't know him very well I gave him a chance and only played with his shinies for a while. I got lost in the moment though, and forgot to give them back to him. I'm sure he won't mind however. I give shinies to people all the time.

I walked up a hill to the biggest box of boxes inside a box that I have ever seen and couldn't help myself but walk right inside.

It was quite nice. Big, spacious and warm - but full of rude people, once again. I knew right away that nobody would want me to play "The Game" or look at their precious collections of shiny stones and pokesticks. I did find one curious individual doing some homework and with all the shinies I had, bought a few books from him, because he talked about magiik a lot and how it makes everything easier, and I like when things are easier.

When I read the books, I could feel a very interesting tingle inside of moi, from the tip of my tail to the end of my ears. I'm addicted. I got dizzy and had to sit down but when I got better I realised that I could now use new magiik!

I like magiik. It lets me do stuff easily without having to carry anything, and even help me convince people to leave me alone.

After some time in that big, giant, humongous house, me and Not Me walked out and looked for some new wares to sell. We got lost a lot but found some really nice views of the lands, which made me think.

What if we were also boxes, and other people lived inside us? What if the whole land was just one big box? If I'm already constantly in a box, why am I always searching for the perfect box?

If we're indeed living in a ridiculously giant box however, there's too much stuff in it. There's dirt and bags of stupid everywhere, making it impossible for polite folk like me to relax and enjoy watching time go by.

Like this guy. I was just looking at a pile of rocks with nice drawings on them when he appeared out of nowhere and tried to show me how good he was at magiik. He was indeed much better than me, but since I never back down from a contest of skills, I showed him a neat trick with killbirds to cure headaches.

He was pretty relaxed after that and left me alone.

While I was visiting some people in an old, old box, a mail man arrived in a rush and seemed intent on delivering letters to me again. This time, they called me "Alive" and said that I couldn't leave until they were done with their work. They didn't listen when I tried to explain that it's not my name, of course. Sometimes being too dedicated to your work blinds you, I guess.

Not Me helped me explain it to them but still, still they would insist on giving me their letter, and scratch-proof clothes, and pokesticks and smashsticks and hurtsticks, so in the end I just pretended I was who they were looking for, and I'll just deliver the stuff to "Alive" when I see him or her.

Funny thing, I found another letter for that other "Cookie" guy. Maybe he's a hairy like me? I know these letters are not for me because I only know That other idiot and he doesn't know how to write.

Finally, that night, it was getting cold and dark (not that I mind, but Not Me was complaining) and we found a place full of killbird enthusiasts again, who could NOT pass an opportunity to show us their wares. I said I would look at them if they look at mine, but they wouldn't listen, only want to show me theirs.

I tried to show them some manners. You show me one ware, I show you one too. A saleswoman caught one and wouldn't return it. I think she was pretty weak and underfed because she could barely carry one little killbird.

Maybe she was tired because her business partner was so lazy that she had to do must of the work by herslef. I caught him sleeping on the job.

When everyone decided to take a break from showcasing their wares (and not actually taking any shinies for them) me and Not Me went for a nice sleep in a bed and it felt great, we've been sleeping outside most of the time and my fur is starting to be a little rough.

The next morning I found a nice place to study, but Not Me just got drunk instead. I guess I have to keep an eye on her to see if I'm dealing with an addictive personality.